Friday 29 May 2015

Debt syndication Finance Mumbai

Debt syndication Mumbai

Prashant Naigaonkar, Ritu Finance
Financial Advisory Servicers
Mumbai, Thane and all over India

Hello and Greetings!!!

We serve you with  Debt Syndication, Finance in Mumbai, Thane, all over India.

Ours is a financial services company providing customised funding / liquidity oriented solutions such as Debt / Equity syndication.


To establish and nurture mutually beneficial relationships between industry / business houses with banks / financial institutions / other funders.


To arrange from banks / financial institutions / institutional or other investors right kind of money, adequate amount, with deserving price, at nick of time and provide support for judicious utilization,monitoring repayment as per schedule as well as proper compliances with respective stake holders.

Rich experience of 30 plus years with industry (blue chip, Mid Corporate and SMEs). Thorough understanding of needs of industry from financial requirements perspective and ability to convert the same into a bankable proposal.Performance sums up to 100 plus sanctions of various types of business loans amounting to approximately Rs. 2,000/- crore.
 We serve Mumbai, Thane, Maharashtra and All over India.


Details of services being provided;

Area of operation
Particulars of services
A.                 Debt Syndication

Working Capital Finance– for existing business or increase in volumes etc. (in INR as well as foreign Currency)
Internal Assessment of working capital requirement and planning thereof, preparation of CMA data and complete proposal, identifying suitable bank/s, working out proper mix of finance, handle queries of banks post proposal submission, associate with banks in appraisal process, negotiating advantageous terms and conditions, getting the sanction and facilitating documentation &disbursement.
Capex / Project Finance - for modernization or debottlenecking, expansion project (capacity augmentation, diversification, green field, brown field).
Consolidating Capex/Project cost, Advising on proper means of Finance, Preparation of project report, Identifying suitable funding mix/agencies, assistance in appraisal process, negotiating advantageous terms and conditions, getting the sanction and facilitating documentation &disbursement.
Corporate Loans
Funding for inorganic growth, Swapping of high cost debts with low cost ones. Loan against properties / lease rent discounting etc.
Off balance sheet funding / alternate financing
Both for working capital and project funding the services listed above
  1. Trade Finance
Buyers’ / Suppliers’ credit for both working capital and capex L/Cs. Discounting of bills both under L/C and without L/C. 
  1. Equity funding
Funding of equity through Venture Capitalists / Private equity.
  1. External Credit Rating
Masterminding the whole process right from organizing and planning of presentations, selection of credit rating agency, and liaisoning with analysts / bankers etc. to achieve satisfactory rating.
  1. Other Services
Support and provide expertise on a regular basis either monthly retainer ship or on call basis for operation of limits, handling bank correspondence, economising interest costs, handling TEV study / valuation and other back office issues.

Need finance, PE, Angel funding, Debt Syndication in Mumbai, Thane ?
Contact : 
Prashant Naigaonkar, Ritu Finance
Financial Advisory Servicers
Mumbai, Thane and all over India
Mobile :  9020773681

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